Lactation Smoothie Recipe (Oatmeal Banana Nut Smoothie)

Lebensmittel zum Abnehmen, Menschen inspirieren Smoothie-Rezept
Lactation Smoothie will help your milk supply after 3 days

There are certain foods that are believed to promote milk production and what a better way to consume these foods at once than in a delicious lactation smoothie! When I was exclusively pumping for the twins, I tried to eat as many of those foods as I could fit in my meals. I believed that what I was eating was crucial to my post-delivery recovery and directly affected the amount of milk that I produced.

When I did my research on the internet, I have noticed that oatmeal almost always came up as one of the top foods for lactation as well as any type of nuts.  But I didn’t always have to time to cook oatmeal. However, I could blend a smoothie for breakfast and save leftovers for later in the afternoon when I didn’t have energy to cook. So I created this lactation smoothie recipe that I wanted to share with all the nursing moms out there.

This smoothie has a creamy delicious consistency with a mild nutty flavor. Drink it for 3 days and in row and you will likely notice increase in your milk supply.


1/4 cup of uncooked whole rolled oats

1 Banana fresh or frozen (if you like your smoothie to taste similar to ice cream)

1 table spoon of peanut, almond or nut butter of your choice

¾ of a glass of milk of your choice (cow, almond, rice, oat) – use less milk for creamier consistency

A pinch of cinnamon

Optional: vanilla extract, a spoon of sweetener of your choice (honey, agave syrup, maple syrup)


Throw everything in a blender and blend away. Make sure you blend for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute to ensure a smooth consistency.  Tip: throw in oatmeal flakes first and pulse for a few times – blending will be easier. Enjoy!


1/4 Tasse ungekochte ganze Haferflocken

1 Banane frisch oder gefroren (schmeckt wie Eis)

1 Esslöffel Erdnuss-, Mandel- oder Nussmuss Ihrer Wahl

¾ eines Glases Milch Ihrer Wahl (Kuh, Mandel, Reis, Hafer) – verwenden Sie weniger Milch für cremigere Konsistenz

Eine Prise Zimt

Optional: Vanille-Extrakt, ein Löffel Süßstoff Ihrer Wahl (Honig, Agavesirup, Ahornsirup)



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